Sr. Margaret Magee

Sr. Margaret Magee
Sr. Gloria Oehl

Sr. Marita Flynn

Sr. Margaret Magee

Sr. Margaret Magee
Webinar sponsored by the Franciscan Federation and given by Franciscan Action Network staff member, Jason Miller on “Confronting White Supremacy with a Franciscan Heart.” Click here to view the webinar recording and resources.
Recommended resource related to white supremacy, racism, the Doctrine of Discovery. https://franfed.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Where-Do-We-Go-From-Here-Confronting-White-Supremacy-with-a-Franciscan-Heart.pdf
Doctrine of Discovery—in the name of Christ. European descendants benefit from a violent history of land grabbing and genocide that was justified by patriotism and religion. This same theology formed an international legal structure that continues to dispossess Indigenous Peoples of their land. What does it mean to be a peacemaker today in a world where the present is defined by the violence of the past?
View Doctrine of Discovery video by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvM4SJN76Yg&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR0HXtt6wiY0Oi6WYZz1908B7bQB17vpKdAKvJagUdbImo9PkWmIeoVuLY8